M.S WORD Review Tab

M.S WORD Review Tab
Posted by AK STAR CLUB
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Review Tab

Spell Check can now be found in the Review tab.  You will also find Word

Translation tools, a Track Changes tool, a Thesaurus tool and so on.

Spell Checking

      On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click Spelling & Grammar and

      Follow through as you would in previous versions of Word.


Using the Thesaurus

      Click on the word that you want to check in the dictionary 

      In the Proofing group, click the Thesaurus button.  A pane opens on the right‐hand side of the main window.  The word is automatically entered and the definition, if it can be found, is also shown as well.


Adding Comments

      Click where in the document you would like to add a comment.

      In the Comments group, click the New Comment button

      Type your comment in the balloon that appears.

      Click anywhere in the document to get back to your work on the document.


Translating Words into another Language

      Click on the words you want to translate.

      In the Proofing group, click the Translate button. A pane opens with the list of available languages

      Choose the language you so desire.


Tracking Changes

      In the Tracking group, click Track Changes\

      Make sure that the Display for Review box is set to Final Showing Markup\

      Make any changes and Word will begin to track any such changes.  Deleted text is displayed in balloons and inserted text is underlined.

      To control which markup elements are shown, use the Show Markup list in the Tracking group.

      If the balloons prove distracting, click the arrow below the Balloons button and click Show All Revisions Inline.  Text will now be displayed as strikethrough text.


Review Other User’s Changes

      In the Changes group, click Next

      Click either Accept or Reject for the displayed change.

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