M.S WORD View Tab

M.S WORD View Tab
Posted by AK STAR CLUB
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View Tab

The options on the view tab allow you to change how you view your document and its entities.

View Options

There are five document views that you can choose from; Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline, and Draft.


Show and Hide

      In the Show/Hide group, select the Ruler check box, and rulers appear at the top and left of the page

      Selecting Gridlines causes gridlines to appear on the page

      Selecting the Document Map check box and a list of paragraphs formatted with their associated heading styles appear at left.

      Select the Thumbnails check box, and thumbnail views of each page appear at left.

      Clear any of the check boxes to hide the feature.


Using the Zoom Tool

Use the buttons from the Zoom group to zoom in and out of the document. To return to 100% view click the 100& button that now appears beside the Zoom button, after you first zoomed.


Split the Document Window

      You can split the document window in order to view distant parts of the document at the same time.

      In the Window group, click the Split command.

      Click and drag the heavy border to move it, thus resizing the panes.

      Click Remove Split command to unsplit the window.


Switching Windows

      In the Window group, click Switch Windows.

      Select the document that you want to switch to.

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