PowerPoint View Tab

PowerPoint View Tab
Posted by AK STAR CLUB
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View Tab

Presentation Views

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Normal - Display the presentation in the normal working view.
Slide Sorter - Display the presentation in slide sorter view for fast slide rearranging.
Notes Page - Display the presentation in notes view for editing the speaker notes.
Slide Show - (Removed in 2010).
Reading View - (Added in 2010.

Master Views

This group was added in 2010.

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Slide Master - (Moved in 2010). Displays the slide master letting you change the design and layout of the master slides.
Handout Master - (Moved in 2010). Displays the handout master allowing you to change the design and layout of the printed handouts.
Notes Master - (Moved in 2010). Displays the notes master.


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Ruler - Toggles the display of the horizontal and vertical rulers.
Gridlines - Toggles the display of gridlines on the slides.
Message Bar - (Removed in 2010).
Guides - Toggles the display of guides on the slides


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Zoom - Displays the "Zoom" dialog box.
Fit to Window -


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Color - View the presentation in colour.
Grayscale - Displays the "Greysclae tab" (include link)
Black and White - (Pure Black and White in 2007).


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New Window - Opens a new window containing a view of the current presentation.
Arrange All - Tile all open windows side by side on the screen.
Cascade - Cascade all the open windows so they overlap.
Move Split - Move the splitters to separate the different parts of the window.
Switch Windows - Drop-Down.


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Macros - Button with Drop-Down.

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