Power Point Shortcut Keys

Power Point Shortcut Keys
Posted by AK STAR CLUB
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Power Point Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys

Function Keys

F1Displays the Help Task Pane.
F2Select the text box containing an object or text.
F4When you are not editing text inside a textbox this repeats the last command or action (not Format Autoshape dialog).
F5Runs the presentation as a slide show (Slide Show > From Beginning).
F6Moves to the next pane in the presentation (clockwise).
F7Displays the Spelling dialog box.
F10Toggles the display of the ribbon shortcut keys, otherwise known as Access Keys.
F12Displays the Save As dialog box.

Shift + Function

Shift + F1Redundant. Activated the context sensitive whats this prompt (Help > Whats This).
Shift + F2Redundant
Shift + F3Toggles between lowercase, mixedcase and uppercase on the selection
Shift + F4Repeat the last Find.
Shift + F5Runs the presentation as a slide show (Slide Show > From Beginning).
Shift + F6Moves to the previous pane in the presentation (anti-clockwise).
Shift + F7Redundant
Shift + F8Redundant
Shift + F9Toggles the display of Guide Lines.
Shift + F10Display the Shortcut menu for the selected item.
Shift + F11Redundant
Shift + F12Saves, Displays the Save As dialog box if a new presentation.

Ctrl + Function

Ctrl + F1Redundant
Ctrl + F2Redundant
Ctrl + F3Redundant
Ctrl + F4Closes the active presentation or window (saving first).
Ctrl + F5Restore the size of the active presentation or window.
Ctrl + F6Moves to the next presentation window.
Ctrl + F7Activates the Move window command.
Ctrl + F8Activates the Resize window command.
Ctrl + F9Minimises the size of the active presentation or window.
Ctrl + F10Maximise the size of the active presentation or window.
Ctrl + F11Redundant
Ctrl + F12Displays the Open dialog box.

Other + Function

Alt + F2Displays the Save As dialog box
Alt + F4Closes the active presentation or window (saving first).
Alt + F5Restore the program window size
Alt + F8Displays the Macro dialog box.
Alt + F9Toggles the display of the Grid.
Alt + F10Maximise the program window.
Alt + F11Toggles between the Visual Basic Editor window and the PowerPoint window.
Alt + Shift + F2Displays the Save As dialog box.
Alt + Shift + F4Closes the active presentation or window (saving first).
Alt + Shift + F10Displays the drop-down menu for the corresponding smart tag.
Ctrl + Shift + F10Toggles the display of the ribbon shortcut keys, otherwise known as Access Keys.
Ctrl + Shift + F12Displays the Print dialog box.

Ctrl + Numbers

Alt + Shift + 1Show Heading 1 (Outline view)
Alt + Shift + 9Expands all text in the presentation (Outline view)

Ctrl + Letters

Ctrl + ASelects all the objects on the active slide
Ctrl + BToggles bold on the current selection
Ctrl + CCopies the current selection to the clipboard.
Ctrl + DMake a duplicate of the selected slide (New Slide > Duplicate Selected Slides).
Ctrl + ECentre aligns the current selection
Ctrl + FDisplays the Find dialog box
Ctrl + GDisplays the Grid and Guides dialog box
Ctrl + HDisplays the Replace dialog box
Ctrl + IToggles italics on the current selection
Ctrl + JJustifies the current selection
Ctrl + KDisplays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box (in a textbox).
Ctrl + LLeft aligns the current selection
Ctrl + MInserts a new blank slide.
Ctrl + NCreates a new blank presentation.
Ctrl + ODisplays the Open dialog box.
Ctrl + PDisplays the Print dialog box.
Ctrl + RRight aligns the current selection.
Ctrl + SSaves, Displays the Save As dialog box if a new presentation.
Ctrl + TDisplays the Font dialog box.
Ctrl + UToggles (continuous) underlining of the selection
Ctrl + VPastes the entry from the clipboard.
Ctrl + WCloses the active presentation or window (saving first).
Ctrl + XCuts the current selection to the clipboard.
Ctrl + YRedo the last PowerPoint operation. This can be used to redo multiple steps. This can also be used to repeat applied formatting.
Ctrl + ZUndo the last PowerPoint operation. This can be used to undo multiple steps.

Others + Letters

Ctrl + Shift + CCopy the formatting
Ctrl + Shift + DDuplicate the current slide.
Ctrl + Shift + FDisplays the Font dialog box.
Ctrl + Shift + MInserts a new blank slide.
Ctrl + Shift + VPaste the formatting
Alt + ADisplays the Animations Tab.
Alt + CDisplays the Recording Tab.
Alt + FDisplays the File Tab.
Alt + GDisplays the Design Tab.
Alt + HDisplays the Home Tab.
Alt + KDisplays the Transitions Tab.
Alt + LDisplays the Developer Tab.
Alt + NDisplays the Insert Tab.
Alt + RDisplays the Review Tab.
Alt + SDisplays the Slide Show Tab.
Alt + WDisplays the View Tab.
Alt + Shift + AShow all or collapse all text or headings (Outline view)

Entering Data

EnterEnters a new paragraph
Shift + EnterEnters a line break (Soft break)
Ctrl + TabInserts a tab in a table cell

Extending Data

Shift + HomeExtends the selection to the beginning of the line
Shift + EndExtends the selection to the end of the line
Shift + Up ArrowExtends the selection one line up
Shift + Down ArrowExtends the selection one line down
Shift + Left ArrowExtends the selection one character to the left
Shift + Right ArrowExtends the selection one character to the right
Ctrl + Shift + HomeExtends the selection to the beginning of the textbox
Ctrl + Shift + EndExtends the selection to the end of the textbox

Selecting Data

Ctrl + Shift + Up ArrowSelects to the line above
Ctrl + Shift + Down ArrowSelects to the line below
Ctrl + Shift + Left ArrowSelects to the beginning of the word
Ctrl + Shift + Right ArrowSelects to the end of the word
DeleteDeletes one character to the right
BackspaceDeletes one character to the left
Ctrl + DeleteDeletes one word to the right
Ctrl + BackspaceDeletes one word to the left

Formatting Data

Ctrl + ]Increases the font size to the next size in the drop-down list
Ctrl + [Decreases the font size to the next size in the drop-down list
Ctrl + Shift + >Increases the font size to the next size in the drop-down list
Ctrl + Shift + <Decreases the font size to the next size in the drop-down list
Ctrl + =Toggles Subscript on the selection
Ctrl + Shift + =Toggles Superscript on the selection


Arrow KeysMoves one character or line in the given direction
TabMoves to the first or next hyperlink / object / cell
Shift + TabMoves to the last or previous hyperlink / object / cell
HomeMoves to the beginning of the line
EndMoves to the end of the line
Page UpMoves to the previous slide
Page DownMoves to the next slide
Shift + Page UpMoves to the previous slide
Shift + Page DownMoves to the next slide
Ctrl + HomeMoves to the beginning of the text box
Ctrl + EndMoves to the end of the text box
Ctrl + Up ArrowMoves up one paragraph
Ctrl + Down ArrowMoves down one paragraph
Ctrl + Left ArrowMoves one word to the left
Ctrl + Right ArrowMoves one word to the right
Ctrl + EnterMoves to the next title or body text placeholder


Alt + TabToggles between all your open applications
Alt + Shift + TabToggles backwards between all your open applications
Ctrl + Shift + TabToggles between the Outline tab and the Slides tab in Normal view.
Ctrl + SpacebarRemove manual character formatting returning the text back to its default
EscCancels the action or closes the dialog box
Alt + Shift + Left ArrowPromotes a paragraph (Outline view)
Alt + Shift + Right ArrowDemotes a paragraph (Outline view)
Alt + Shift + Up ArrowMoves the selected paragraphs up (Outline view)
Alt + Shift + Down ArrowMoves the selected paragraphs down (Outline view)
Alt + Shift + +Expands the text below a heading (Outline view)
Alt + Shift + -Collapses the text below a heading (Outline view)
/Turn character formatting on or off (numeric keypad)
Alt + EscapeSwitches to the next program
Ctrl + EscapeDisplays the Start Menu
Print ScreenCopies a picture of the whole screen to the clipboard
Alt + Print ScreenCopies a picture of just the active window to the clipboard
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