Building blocks of HTML

Building blocks of HTML
Posted by AK STAR CLUB
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Building blocks of HTML

An HTML document consist of its basic building blocks which are:

  • Tags: An HTML tag surrounds the content and apply meaning to it. It is written between < and > brackets.
  • Attribute: An attribute in HTML provides extra information about the element, and it is applied within the start tag. An HTML attribute contains two fields: name & value.


  1. <tag name  attribute_name" attr_value"> content </ tag name>   
  • Elements: An HTML element is an individual component of an HTML file. In an HTML file, everything written within tags are termed as HTML elements.
HTML Building blocks


  1. <!DOCTYPE html>  
  2. <html>  
  3.   <head>  
  4.     <title>The basic building blocks of HTML</title>  
  5.  </head>  
  6.   <body>  
  7.        <h2>The building blocks</h2>  
  8.        <p>This is a paragraph tag</p>  
  9.        <p style="color: red">The style is attribute of paragraph tag</p>  
  10.        <span>The element contains tag, attribute and content</span>  
  11.   </body>  
  12. </html>     
Test it Now


The building blocks

This is a paragraph tag

The style is attribute of paragraph tag

The element contains tag, attribute and content
Next TopicHTML Tags

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